Coaching Framework
Personal Mastery coaching begins with an understanding of the balance in your life on a physical, mental, emotional, and leadership level.
Personal Mastery empowers you to manage yourself and others, and adopt a leadership role. During the sessions, the coachee will:
• Analyse their Enneagram personality Profile
• Gain insight into their personal stressors and “triggers”
• Learn how to regulate their emotions
• Learn to confront situations assertively
• Learn to "flex' their personality and communication style for better relationship management
• Develop their “personal brand” in the work place
• Practise assertive communication skills
• Learn effective skills for successful leadership – personal and work
• Learn to manage conflict to achieve "win-win' outcomes
• Learn to manage change and transformation with confidence
The objective of this coaching journey is to alleviate in the coachee any obstacles that hold them back from leading a healthy and purposeful
life, and being an impactful leader, manager or team player. Personal Mastery also helps build presence in the work place – confidence comes
from knowing you are doing the right things right!
Access to Coaches
The coachees will have access to four professional coaches, each of whom specialises in one of these areas:
• Work/Life Balance
• Personal Branding and Assertive Communication
• Enneagram types and Personal Management
• EQ and leadership
• High performance
The coachees will commit to the following "touchpoints":
• Two online coaching sessions with each professional coach over a period of eight months, a total of eight coaching sessions.
• Attendance at two functions - the launch and the final presentations events.
• Two online discussion pods with Linda, Jenna and their fellow coaches